Tuesday, 30 March 2010

The five stage model

Narrative can also be seen as a sequence of different events or section within the actual text. Each events or section has its own function and meaning. In this model there ae five distinct stage through which the narrative is created in.
  1. Exposition

This is the part of the film whre the narrative introduces the setting and the characters to the film audience.

2. Development

This is the stage in he film whre the storyline is developed and moe characters are introduced.

3. Complication

In this stage of the film's narrative where we are presented with a complicating event that will effect the lives of the main protagonist within the film.

4. Climax

Within this stage of the film narrative the dramatiic tension is at its upmost and the secrets or enigmas of all the previous actions are revealed. Also this is the point in the film where there are oftn confrontation between the two characters who representt the "good" and the "evil" in the story.

5. Resolution

This is the end of the film which usually holds the resolution or a sequence where stability s re-enstablished and clam has been restored.

The 'five stage model' doesn't really fit wht my music video either as its not really a sotry telling music video so therefore doesn't follow these steps.

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