I have collated my results and this is what I have found.
Q.1) Only females answered my survey and I beleive this could be becuase of the style of my music video as it very female lead maybe this put some men off.
Q.2) 75% of the popel that anwsered my survey were in the 17-19 age range and 25% were in the 30+. I belive this could be becuase my music video is aimed at these two age ranges with young people being able to relate to the person feature in the music video and the 30+ due to the sedate and sophiscated song and video style.
Q.3) Everyone that took my survey siad they enjoyed my music video.
Q.4) Furthermore everyone who took the survey beelived the video fitted the song.
Q.5) I had a split decision on this question with 50% giving my music and video combination a 3/5 and 50% giving it a 5/5. I am not quite sure why people didn't think the video and music combination worked maybe becuase this is a type of music video that isn't seen very often.
Q.6) Everyone who took the survey beleive it represented the artist perfectly and I am truely glad about this.
Q.7) This questioned asked everyone to state their favourite part of my music video. i have used the site
www.wordle.net to generate set of words with the biggest in the pic being the most common words people use. As you can clearly see "scenes","good" and "park" were the most common and this is in reference to the park scenes, throughout my music video.
Q.8) Everyone who took this survey said they would but my artist single this is a very positive answer as this would mean in the music wqorld the music video would also have many views on sites like
Q.9) Was for anyone who answerewd no to the last question so is not needed.
Q.10) This question was also split down the middle with 50% beleiving that my music video looked professional and 50% beleiving my music video looked amatuer.