Wednesday, 7 October 2009

The Effects Model

This theory suggests that the consumptionof media text effect (often adversely) the audeince. The audience is inflenced, sometimes to replicate what they have consumed. Also known as "The Hypodermic Syringe Model". Here the audeince is passice. The image of the tect are 'injected' already into the brains and the audeince is powerless to resist.

First Case Study - Manhunt (video game)
It was stated in the death of Stefan Pakeerah that friend, Warren LaBlanc, had brutally killed his firend after watching this violent video game. Pekeerah was killed on thr 27th February 2004 and in the court case is was stated that LeBlanc was obsessed with the game and this had lead to killing Pakeerah.

Second Case Study - "Child's Play 3" (film)
Murder of James Bulger. James was abducted and murdered by two 10 eyars old boys in 1993. It was stated in the case that several of the scenes out of "Child's Play 3" had infleucned the boys and they copied the scenes. This is a very common exmapl;y of "The Effects Model". There was no evidence that the boys had ever seen the film. The two boys had very bad upbringins and were badly neglected. However, politcians balmed the film so it wouldn't look, to the rest of the world, they had failed and therefore they banned the video.

The Effects Modal is used in cases such as the ones mentioned above.

Evidence that proves "The Effects Model"

1960's - Albert Bandura - Bobo Doll experiement
Children watch people hitting a Bobo doll and then put them in a room with the Bobo doll to see whether they would replicate te behaviour. Albert Bandura beleived that agression must explain three aspect: 1. How aggressive patterns of behaviour are developed. 2. What provokes people to behave agressive. 3. What determines whether they are gogin to continue to resort to an aggressive behaviour pattern on future occassions.

However, in this experiment, the kids invovled were placed in a room first where they wasn't allowed to touch or play with any of the toys. This made the chidlren very aggressive. Then the chidlren were allowed into the room with the Bobo doll where they could play with all the toys. This obviously means that they attached the doll to get rid of built up tension.

ADVERTS HOWEVER EFFECT US IN A POSITIVE WAY!!! THey make us want to buy the products they are advertising.

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