Wednesday, 21 October 2009
Suture Theory
This theory is the 'classical Hollywood' narrative and editing 'sutures' or positions the audience in certain ways making only one preferred reading possible, however unconscious the audience is off that position.
Tuesday, 20 October 2009
Deadlines and Expectations
My music video must be filmed and edited by the Christmas holidays.
The Digi-Pack and magazine advert and this blog must be finished by February Half term.
Today we also look at a good music video example done in previous years and anayliased it.
- The video had a poor setting of a classroom and this didn't fit the song words.
- Good steady shots were used.
- Mise-en-scene was good.
-Editing was ok/good.
- The lip syncing was very good.
We will be marked on three areas:
10 marks for DIGI-PACKS
10 marks for magazine advert
40 marks for music video.
Level 4 (This is the level of work our teacher expects to see from us)
The candidate is expected to demonstrate excellence in the creative use of most of the following technical skills:
The Digi-Pack and magazine advert and this blog must be finished by February Half term.
Today we also look at a good music video example done in previous years and anayliased it.
- The video had a poor setting of a classroom and this didn't fit the song words.
- Good steady shots were used.
- Mise-en-scene was good.
-Editing was ok/good.
- The lip syncing was very good.
We will be marked on three areas:
10 marks for DIGI-PACKS
10 marks for magazine advert
40 marks for music video.
Level 4 (This is the level of work our teacher expects to see from us)
The candidate is expected to demonstrate excellence in the creative use of most of the following technical skills:
- Hold a shot steady, where appropriate.
- Framing a shot, including and excluding elements as appropriate
- Using a variety of shot distance as appropriate;
- Shooting material approraite to the task set;
- Selecting mise-en-scene including colour, figure, lighting, objects and setting.
- Editing so that meaning is spparant to the viewer;
- Using varied shot trainsitions captions and other effects selectively and appropriately;
- Using sound with images and editing approriately for the task.
Where a candidate has worked in a group, a excellent contribution to the constructions of the video is evident.
Monday, 19 October 2009
I hate being ill!! Thats exactly what i been for the last week and now Gemma has got this dreaded cold aswell so absolotely nothing has been done. This illness was actually a real eye opener for me i can't how LITTLE you can do on your own! You do need a dedicated group of people around you to make a music video wok... which i dont have! But i will do thiss and get this done....
Tuesday, 13 October 2009
Reception Theory
- Given that the Effects model and the Uses and Gratifications model have their problems and limitations a different approach to audiences was developed by the academic Stuart Hall at Birmingham University in the 1970's.
- This considered how texts were encoded with meaning by producers and then decoded (understood) by audiences.
The theory suggests that:
- When a producer constructs a text it is encoded with a meaning or message that the producer wishes to convey to the audience.
- In some instances audiences will correctly decode the message or and understand what the producer was trying to say.
- In some instances audiences will either reject of fail to correctly understand the message.
- Stuart Hall identified three types of audience readings (or decoding) of the text:
Where the audience decodes the message as the producer wants them to do and broadly agrees with it.
eg. Watching a political speech and agreeing with it.
Where the audience accepts, rejects or refines elements of the text in light or previously held views.
eg. Niether agreeing of disagreeing with the political speech or being disinterested.
Where the dominant meaning is recognised but rejects for cultural, politcal or ideological reasons.
eg. Total rejection of the political speech and active opposition.

Wednesday, 7 October 2009
Uses and Gratifications Model
In this model:
-Emotional satisfaction
- Helps with issues of personal identity
- Helps with issues of social identity
- Helps with issues of aggression and voilence
In this model:
- The audience is active.
- The audience uses the text and is NOT used by it.
- The audience uses the text for it own gratifications or pleasure.
- Here, power lies with the audience NOT the producers.
- This theory emphases what audience do with the media texts how and why they use them.
- Far from being duped by the media, the audience is free to reject use or play with media meaning as they see fit.
- Audience therefore use media texts to gratify needs for:
- The audience is in control and consumption or the media helps people with issues such as:
-Emotional satisfaction
- Helps with issues of personal identity
- Helps with issues of social identity
- Helps with issues of aggression and voilence
- Controversially the theory suggests the consumption of voilent images can be helpful rather than harmful
- The theory suggests also that audiences act out their voilent impluses through the consumption of media voilence.
- The audience inclination towards voilence is therfore sublimited, and they are less likely to commit voilent acts.
The Effects Model
This theory suggests that the consumptionof media text effect (often adversely) the audeince. The audience is inflenced, sometimes to replicate what they have consumed. Also known as "The Hypodermic Syringe Model". Here the audeince is passice. The image of the tect are 'injected' already into the brains and the audeince is powerless to resist.
First Case Study - Manhunt (video game)
It was stated in the death of Stefan Pakeerah that friend, Warren LaBlanc, had brutally killed his firend after watching this violent video game. Pekeerah was killed on thr 27th February 2004 and in the court case is was stated that LeBlanc was obsessed with the game and this had lead to killing Pakeerah.
Second Case Study - "Child's Play 3" (film)
Murder of James Bulger. James was abducted and murdered by two 10 eyars old boys in 1993. It was stated in the case that several of the scenes out of "Child's Play 3" had infleucned the boys and they copied the scenes. This is a very common exmapl;y of "The Effects Model". There was no evidence that the boys had ever seen the film. The two boys had very bad upbringins and were badly neglected. However, politcians balmed the film so it wouldn't look, to the rest of the world, they had failed and therefore they banned the video.
The Effects Modal is used in cases such as the ones mentioned above.
Evidence that proves "The Effects Model"
1960's - Albert Bandura - Bobo Doll experiement
Children watch people hitting a Bobo doll and then put them in a room with the Bobo doll to see whether they would replicate te behaviour. Albert Bandura beleived that agression must explain three aspect: 1. How aggressive patterns of behaviour are developed. 2. What provokes people to behave agressive. 3. What determines whether they are gogin to continue to resort to an aggressive behaviour pattern on future occassions.
However, in this experiment, the kids invovled were placed in a room first where they wasn't allowed to touch or play with any of the toys. This made the chidlren very aggressive. Then the chidlren were allowed into the room with the Bobo doll where they could play with all the toys. This obviously means that they attached the doll to get rid of built up tension.
ADVERTS HOWEVER EFFECT US IN A POSITIVE WAY!!! THey make us want to buy the products they are advertising.
First Case Study - Manhunt (video game)
It was stated in the death of Stefan Pakeerah that friend, Warren LaBlanc, had brutally killed his firend after watching this violent video game. Pekeerah was killed on thr 27th February 2004 and in the court case is was stated that LeBlanc was obsessed with the game and this had lead to killing Pakeerah.
Second Case Study - "Child's Play 3" (film)
Murder of James Bulger. James was abducted and murdered by two 10 eyars old boys in 1993. It was stated in the case that several of the scenes out of "Child's Play 3" had infleucned the boys and they copied the scenes. This is a very common exmapl;y of "The Effects Model". There was no evidence that the boys had ever seen the film. The two boys had very bad upbringins and were badly neglected. However, politcians balmed the film so it wouldn't look, to the rest of the world, they had failed and therefore they banned the video.
The Effects Modal is used in cases such as the ones mentioned above.
Evidence that proves "The Effects Model"
1960's - Albert Bandura - Bobo Doll experiement
Children watch people hitting a Bobo doll and then put them in a room with the Bobo doll to see whether they would replicate te behaviour. Albert Bandura beleived that agression must explain three aspect: 1. How aggressive patterns of behaviour are developed. 2. What provokes people to behave agressive. 3. What determines whether they are gogin to continue to resort to an aggressive behaviour pattern on future occassions.
However, in this experiment, the kids invovled were placed in a room first where they wasn't allowed to touch or play with any of the toys. This made the chidlren very aggressive. Then the chidlren were allowed into the room with the Bobo doll where they could play with all the toys. This obviously means that they attached the doll to get rid of built up tension.
ADVERTS HOWEVER EFFECT US IN A POSITIVE WAY!!! THey make us want to buy the products they are advertising.
Tuesday, 6 October 2009
Today i worked with Gemma on a new song which is definately going to be the song we use. Its called "The Show" or "Your show" and i have a feeling that the video is going to be very good. I already have alot of good ideas for the video already.
Hopefully this will be recorded soon and we will start making the video.
Friday, 2 October 2009
Still no further forward on the music front. Gemma has now found a guy called Tyrone who she may do a duet with. This in the meantime doesn't help me!
However, I had managed to find a guy that would be in the music video a guy called Seb who is an actro so would be prefect for the part.
However, one of my friend Nathaniel said that his band would love to have a music video made and they already have songs recorded so this is my definate fall back plan now...
Will keep blogging and tell you any more updates....
However, I had managed to find a guy that would be in the music video a guy called Seb who is an actro so would be prefect for the part.
However, one of my friend Nathaniel said that his band would love to have a music video made and they already have songs recorded so this is my definate fall back plan now...
Will keep blogging and tell you any more updates....
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